Nov. 16, 2010
Early Ski Season in Park City Utah?
As I sit here in my home office at 6000 feet watching the snow fall fast and furious it seems like a good time to speak of the season that is already upon us. With three resorts open alreadyand seven more resorts opening in the next couple weeks, Utah's ski season is off to a great beginning (10 inches of new at Snowbird last night!) It seems like just last weekend I was golfing in short sleeves, oh that's right, I was, and it looks like I'll get a few rounds in later this week too. It's called cross training, and like fly fishing, it can be done every month of the year here in Utah, despite the 'Greatest Snow on Earth' piling up in the higher elevations
Many already know about Utah's embarassing plethora of skiing options, the fantastic weather and the feather light powder might but let me illustrate a few of Utah's skiing finer points for the uninformed (like those who continue to suffer through Colorado ski vacations) by using some of the results from Ski Magazine's Reader Resort Survey.
I kid the Coloradans, it's a beautiful place and if you have plenty of time to travel not a bad place to visit, but having lived in both states I don't think there is much of a comparison when it comes to recreation.
Utah or Colorado: Pop Quiz...
Q: What state has the most national Parks in the US? A: Utah
Q: How many ski resorts are located within an hours drive from the Denver Airport A: Zero
Q: How many ski resorts are located within an hour's drive from Salt Lake International A: Eleven
Park City Utah Dominates Ski Magazine Rankings
Sorry Colorado, I won't even mention that Deer Valley was rated the number one resort in North America for the 4th year in a row, that would be too easy and I know makes the fans of Disney World in Colorado very frustrated (if there was an award for most expensive contrived ski 'town' Vail would take it hands down! Pay to park? $12 hot chocolate? Sure why not!)
Rounding out the Park City resorts, Park City Mountain Resort was ranked 5th overall and the Canyons was ranked #18.
My bold prediction...The on mountain improvements the Canyons is making this year will enable it to challenge for the Top 10 next season.
Best Ski Resort Weather, Access, Snow, and Value...
Here are a few of the more interesting rankings in the Ski Magazine survey which ranked the Top Ten Resort in each category
Access: (What could be more important except perhaps Snow?) Seven of the top ten most accessible resorts were in Utah. Seven. Seven to Utah and Snowbasin and Powder Mountain were't on the list!
Snow: (Arguably the most important category for snow sliding enthusiasts) Seven of the Top Ten rankings went to Utah Resorts. One to Colorado.
Weather: Critically important to a successful ski trip. Five of Top Ten rankings to Utah resorts
Value: (Need we say more?) Five of the Top Ten to Utah resorts.
How to Ski for Free in Park City, Utah
Utah is a skiers paradise and Park City is Mecca. Come see for yourself this winter and experience what you have been missing. Oh, and to sweeten the trip how about a free Park City lift ticket on your arrival day?
We welcome your questions and comments. If you come to Park City this winter, be sure to visit us in our offices in Deer Valley Plaza.